What is Safeguarding in Education?

Safeguarding is the process of protecting people from harm, abuse, and neglect. It’s about ensuring that individuals, especially children and vulnerable adults, are able to live safe, happy, and fulfilling lives. This involves creating a supportive environment where people feel listened to and valued.

Safeguarding in education is all about creating a safe and supportive environment for children and young people. It goes beyond physical safety and encompasses their emotional and mental wellbeing too.

Safeguarding is essential in various settings, including schools, care homes, and healthcare facilities. It requires a commitment from everyone to identify and respond to potential risks.
Why it's important to complete regular Safeguarding training

Regular safeguarding training is crucial for anyone working with children or vulnerable adults. It helps to:

Identify signs of abuse or neglect: Learning to recognise the signs of harm is essential for early intervention.

Understand the latest legislation and procedures:
Safeguarding courses outline the latest Government guidance, like KCSIE 2024, and correct steps to take if you have concerns about a child or vulnerable adult.

Stay up-to-date with techological developments:
The safeguarding landscape is constantly evolving, so regular training ensures you have the latest knowledge and information.

Protect individuals:
By completing safeguarding courses and gaining safeguarding certification, you'll be able to contribute to creating a safer environment for everyone.

Investing in Safeguarding training that provides certification demonstrates your commitment and ability to protect those in your care. Safeguarding is a shared responsibility. Everyone who works in education has a role to play, from teachers and support staff to leaders and governors. By working together, we can help create a safe space where all children can thrive.